Thursday 10 February 2011

Postponement of the CCN

To all Movie Fans,
We have to tell you, that the 1. Community Cinema Night will be postponed to a later date.
We will inform you soon. So, watch out for news!
Thanks for understanding!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Community Cinema Nights

Your Choice To Act Community Cinema Nights are a series of six movies, which aims to create a social environment and a forum for discussion where people can interact and socialize while watching thought provoking movies with such subjects as fair trade, humanitarian issues and global imbalances.

Each Community Cinema Night also features a panel discussion about the topics and issues addressed in the film.

“Your Choice to Act“ is a local initiative which aims to raise awareness about how our choices affect global issues.

All Community Cinema Nights take place at the Cyprus Community Media Center.

Reception starts at 18:00, Viewing starts at 18:30

The first chosen movie on the 17th February is "The Dark Side of Chocolate" by the award winning Danish Journalist Miki Mistrati

Is the chocolate we eat produced with the use of child labour trafficked children? Does your favourite chocolate have a bitter taste?

Miki Mistrati investigates the rumours!

Everybody is invited to come to the Cyprus Community Media Center, watch the movie and participate in the following panel discussion!

Free admission!

The movie will be in english without greek subtitle.

It is your choice to act!!

1. CCN- Poster

1. CCN- Flyer

Visit website

Visit the website of "The Dark Side of Chocolate" and get more information about the movie

The Dark Side of Chocolate

In the normal live of a family with a regular and adequate income, the parents go to work and care of their children. The kids have time to play, learn important things in school and enjoy there lives. Just be children.

Unfortunately not every child has such luck. Over 215 Million children worldwide have to walk long distances, carry heavy weights and work for long hours every day. These children are mostly under the age of 15 and the child labour damages theire physical, emotional, social and intellectual growth.

Journalists like Miki Mistrati are aware of this problem. They want to investigate rumors, reveal backgrounds of child labour and inform other people all over the world about the social injustices.

His Movie "The Dark Side of Chocolate" shows, if the favorite chocolate we eat, has a bitter taste.

Watch the trailer:

Bubbles of Nothing

Watch out this eye-opening video

So, which chocolate do you buy at Valentine's Day and Easter?